“All excellent things are difficult as they are rare as well.”
else than possible it is that salvation could be accepted in the most easy way
without too much effort, and anyhow it is neglected by so many people ?”
That’s what Spinoza said at the end of his
“Ethica”. The public disquiet Spinoza
caused was mainly based upon his view of God. His visions were more based upon
a neutral monistic conception of some God. God was no Creator of the world, the
world was part of a divine creation. Miracles are no proof of the existence of a
divine power; it is the nescience of mankind. He based it upon the duality of
religions dealing with “good and evil”.
In the way Thomas de Acquino interpreted it that evil was the absence of the Go(o)d.
Regarding Hannah Arendt I discover lots of
similarities with her points of view. In her quote “The greatest evils in this world are committed by nobody’s” there
is this analogy as Spinoza and De Acquino meant. As we don’t know the causes of
our actions, then we deal with free will, for Spinoza however the effects were
the results of nescience. Nescience is the biggest obstacle for the ambition of
a virtuous life ~ non-egoism. The transition from passivity into activity is
always overwhelming, liberating and joyful.
For Spinoza the virtue is not avoiding evil
actions based upon fear because of some penance or because of hope for its
reward. Happiness is no reward of the virtue; the virtue it is itself ~
Aristotle. By living that way we experience joy. If mankind acknowledges its
being as a part of nature, of the universe and consequently subjected to the
relevant laws, then (s)he would stop trying to explain the world in human terms
and views ~ the so-called “anthropo-centrism”.
“Ethics” ~ “Ethos” (Gr) ~ “Etheos” ~ ”E-Theos” – (out of the) manner or habit of
God ~ has a scathing criticism of all forms of anthropo-centrism and finalism,
which implies that nature services mankind. So “Ethica” truly is about morality, ethics and behaviorism and the way
to gain happiness.
He is convinced this routing exists, but
for mankind hard to go. Mostly it has to do with the unilateral way of life
nowadays; the world of data, facts and figures. All based upon the 5 senses ~
physio-biological or physio-mechanical. The world of dissonance while the 6th
sense ~ intuition ~ is about the resonance ~ energetically speaking. The
analytical world with its 2 perculations within Autism; Paranoia and
Schizophrenia ~ not willing or capable dealing with and integrating the
information from the associative world. Enforced by the drive for power &
control as an example of 2 mental mechanisms.
imagines to be unable to achieve something, won’t do it and that results into inability
~ “trying = doing”. Not the objects
determine the power of passion, it’s the experience, the transition into the
subjectivity ~ Spinoza’s “de imaginatio”
– “Ethica”. Imagination is a necessary and indispensable part of the
acknowledge-process, but only produces chaotic and coincidental and therefore
confused knowledge for the individual itself. So “de imaginatio” is restricted, partial and subjective. As Carl Jung
told us in his “Red Book” (a quote) :
“For Jung, the initial irruption of
psychic disturbances that he later came to describe as a result of a process of
“active imagination” were more traumatic than constructive.”
me imagination is ~ like dreams are as well ~ an important process in the way
of supporting and empowering one’s intuition; it carries personal value in it ~
empathy & sympathy. Like a new and free born baby that doesn’t know good or
evil as dual terms. Every duality is based upon subjectivity, upon a general
point of view ~ let’s say in a democratic way a point of acceptance. Especially
these processes of generalization makes that people are not stimulated to
think, imagine and reflect for themselves, and more specific concerning money
and morality, “debt and penance”.
you have debts and do you feel you are to be punished for now ?
chapter was written by me as a tribute to Spinoza and the book itself.
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