From my latest book : “emergence of integrity”
When associating with Gottfried Leibniz, then Henri Bergson, Bernard Riemann and later Kazimiertz Dabrowski it is comprehensible that HighGiftedness can be related to Monism.
HighGiftedness is a potential that can find its expression
and manifestation in complete different ways. In other words; it is a very
individual process where it all has to do with the whole or Holy spectre of Intelligence beneath the well known IQ. The word ‘High”
implies a state of mind that is higher than
what average people usually deal with in their own surroundings Where
E-Motions are the Motor of one's true development ~ based upon the
empirics of Henri Bergosn and Kazimiertz Dabrowski.
Within this HighGiftedNess it is getting interesting when these individuals are at the level of relativizing; putting aspects into perspectives and handling these perspectives within lots of plexities; Riemann's 'Zeta-function'. Relativizing implies balancing (all possible) inner dualities with each other based upon knowledge and experiences out of memory or sensory. At any issue or in any sitution a HighGifted individual is able to find a complement or complementary dual for it. Herewith the issue or problem gets neutralized and together ~ as a created duality ~ it integrates up to a higher leveled value.
The tool that is the guarantee for this quality is one's high intelligence. It evokes to fusing, merging or syntegrating any and all duals up to a higher level; that's the emotion. The process repeats itself untill the final transition up to complete freedom of the state of mind; a lack of possible disbalances by one's inner emotions. This is the process of individual concrescence; it is about the state of holy wholeness, about individual integrity where the individual is the same as the collectivum. It is living an emotional balanced life based upon the strength of the integral intelligence.
This higher level I call Monism. This term was firstly introduced by Gottfried Leibniz. Monism implies experiencing the world without dualities and so without polarities and~or contradictions. Monism implies also no convictions and no prejudices; it's about equivalence within 1 entity without hierarchy. It is the highest state of mind of monads; living the altruistic way. If you’re unknown with these esoteric aspects it will be hard to conclude this. That’s the cause of lots of misdiagnoses at children and adults within the Psychiatry who are already processing these aspects.
~~~~ The Explanation ~~~
Bergson used lots of the knowledge and wisdom of Leibniz. Being a physiologist, a neurologist, a psychologist and philosopher he was like no other person capable to understand in an integral way the unique characteristics based upon mainly the nervous system starting with the physical sympathic and parasympathic human systems. Later he extracted out of this neuro-biological dimensional aspects ~ his well-known "SymPathy" ~ and experimented with this within psychological and philosophical dimensions.
Dabrowski understood all this too and together with Science he introduced the term "Positive Dis-Integration", also within neuro-biological dimensions, mainly related to our brain tissue. This sophisticated neural dispersion emerges "High-Sensivity" or his "Over-Excitabilities". It is about positive fractalization. A higher stage of fractalization implies the possibility to resonate with higher frequencies beyond those of the average senses. It empowers the 6th sense; the intuition ~ Bergson's Sympathy ~ and the inner resonance with the first 5 senses. The fusion of seperate dimensions into a mono-dimension, a whole. The dimenisons are organized from physical or sensitive to mental to intellectual ~ thinking style ~ and finally spiritual level ~ existentialism ~ as the fifth one. According to Dabrowski this final level is the level of "Altruism" or "Integrity" that I call the level or mindset of Monism.
To Dabrowski emotion is no level, it is the essential driver or "élan vital" of Bergson's to develop and gain a next level. That is correct to me. It is the essential energetic never ending flow (lemniscate) that makes integrality of the intelligence ~ as a complete spectre (not just the so-called "Direct Thinking"/"5 Senses Thinking" or IQ as practiced by Carl Jung) ~ possible. It's mostly empowered by the imagination Thinking ~ Carl Jung ~ where Katherine Benziger categorized these individuals as "Total-Brain-Types".
This possiblity, this hidden potential is what HighGiftedness may imply.
A notion pops from the sphere popped by the 2 entities giftedness and monism.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt refers to the 2 cardinal words GIFT and MON
GIFT is related to the Y ..
This is ayncient crypt .. so not to be answered right away and in direct form.
This is a carrier argument for having an Indirector Title in the Netherlands which is in a pioneering status , read Crown till late april 30 ..
(Which is another crypt especially to test highgiftedness combined with focus)
More popular treatment is applicable for MoN
This syllable is similar to MooN as GoD to GooD
When we keep it sympli'ayn then ..
M resonates 13
N resonates 14
Usually we tend to think 14 has no universal / planetary function / role.
But it was kept secret and hidden for them amateurs 'to keep an illusion up'
Even more illusion is applied to hold it for stupid to ooen the secret .. while it is zo obvious everyone knows who ought to know .. such as given a title or Laureat .. as good ol' Caesar .
Ha .. given the songfestival on this eve we are in a PorTal on MoN
Is the Hand : 1 thumb and 4 fingers ..
May i have your points ? Luxe M Bourg?