donderdag 28 februari 2013

Synergy (1)

Efficiency and Economics

From the Chaos Theory we recognize the word “synergy”. It happens often that synergy is regarded being col-laboration “working-together”. In a way it is. Although the principle beyond synergy is completely different from col-laboration. In what do these differ ? This is to be read in my newest book.

Earlier before I discussed the item “Causality” regarding its dimensions and the way human may attribute the word “causality” to a chain re-action. In a way we can do the same here. Col-laboration is fixed upon visible or recognizable (pre-)actions, instructions and orders – the chain. Synergy emerges from unknown orders and results often into unexpected effects. Therefore it is easy to know the terms such as functionality, effectness, efficiency, autopoiesis, attractor, spelling horizon and Complex Adaptive Systems.

An organ exists because of its functionality regarding its surroundings. Interaction means adapting the network with other networks. The fusion of several functionalities produce 1 or more new functionalities. It’s a natural way of innovation. There’s a new order created from individual self-ordening; balancing between individuation and collectivum and finding its new ultimate order. That is possible because we deal with complex adaptive systems; they are energetically open – dissipative systems such as stormy cyclones. If there emerges new forms of col-laboration we speak of synergy. What does that tell us about dealing with this (also) efficiency ? To give a simple answer : “nothing”. Finding its new way between some humans, organs or organizations, the efficacy is determined by itself. The aimed effectivity is also inherent to it and so is the efficiency. No one has to do something about it. The way of emerging resulting in synergy makes that the efficiency is as high as possible. If not, then these adaptive systems will go on creating until the highest level is to be reached.

What does efficiency mean in other words ? Efficiency is synonymous to economics - about "how to gain the best result with the lowest energetical input ? "Homo Economicus". So if we are looking for higher efficiency, it is better to generate it from new aspects. That means more confidence and less control. Our human mind thinks that continuing the old ways brings solutions, emerging new functionalities a creations imply discontinuity, because thinking in solutions is chain thinking. Within the Chaos Theory it is completely inpossible to gain new orders as I described. A catastrophe (Thom & Zeeman) may mean the necessary discontinuity we need, especially during (financial) crises. A catastrophe means that (a part of) a system or organ gets destroyed, whereby space emerges for new orders.

The moment of catastrophe is the necessary discontinuity within the processes of our society. This moment scares lots of people because they experience that as complete chaos. Chaos is an unidentified order, which is implied, enfolded within every structure, although for human unrecognizable.

~~~ end of part 1 ~~~

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