zaterdag 16 maart 2013

Maxwell's daemon (2)

Irreversable energies or another power ? 

"How is it possible that we approach these dimensions of energy in our way as we do it now as I described above ? The energies that we can practice in a deductive way as given in the examples ?”
As a matter of fact every kind of warmth may have its own dimension and so are not congruent to each other. Warmth that has been generated by a magnetron is of some other order  than warmth produced by the flame of gas. In both examples the 1st Law of Thermo Dynamics is applicable in the way of the conservation of energy. The 2nd Law tells us that energy will return to its maximum entropy or the highest grade of disorder. You might ask yourself the question which state that is; ist that for sure an what the temperature would be in that case. What order of the chaos would that possibly be ?
Does that imply a complete stagnation in full random order like maximum disorder by extracting all (warmth) energy or does the complete stagnation around the absolute zero point ~ 0 Kelvin ~ imply the lowest possible order and possibly destinated cristallization at solid matter based upon the Forms of Plato ? What if the highest order of entropy is achieved by feeding energies until the highest possibly achievable temperatures, so that the warmth energy and entropy are maimal (plasmatic state) ? Is there a difference by Thermo Dynamics in talking about hot fires, while the Esotery also talks about the 7 fires of human ~ Héléna Blavatsky), where human being was emerged out the cold version of fire, “the Divine Spark” ? What is it exactly ?
What is it again what makes this warmth extracts from this emptiness and her unspoken and undefined energies or is this synonymous to the universal expansion from the Big Bang ? Does the Big Bang represent a certain warmth of energy, that is capable to achieve the dynamics in life, because we as human beings cross the dynamics of the Big Bang in a random and unique personal way ? The moment that dualities emerge and because of that they represent a higher level of order of entropy until the moment we blow out our final breath ?
Suppose we consider the expansion of the Universe from the Big Bang as a specific dimensional dynamics, then you might say that apparently no human being is able to follow these dynamics. The real life can be considered as a power or potential symbolized as vector “1”, connected to the vector “Zero”. These 2 vectors create together a certain “effectivity” or “rate of target” symbolized by cosinus φ. The other part of your life, the reactive or imaginary one, what can be symbolized by sinus φ in respect to vector “Zero”. Every aberration within your life ~ represented by the part symbolized with sinus φ is your unconscious part of your authenticity, that needs to be cleared.
Afterwards the result of this process of consciousness is life that is 100 per cent aligned with vector “Zero”, symbolized by cosinus φ = 1, When the results of your life vectors are completely aligned with vector “Zero”, then you do not have to anything anymore, you go with the flow, the “Panta Rhei” of Life. Do realize that your vector of life is no straight line ~think about my illustration of the Riemann spiral ~ while vector “Zero” represents “nothing-and-all”.
Finally in this part about Maxwell you might have the question if manifesting is synonymous to “living your life”, and the 2nd question may be if the “effectivity” or “rate of target” represent the competition between  human beings or does it represent the monadic aspect, gaining the state of “only-to-be”?

Maxwell's daemon (1)

Irreversable energies or another power ?
The daemon has a lot to do with the 1st and 2nd Law of the Thermo Dynamics ? At 1 hand I recognize James Maxwell of his 4 equations within the phenomenn of Electro-Magnetism ~ EM. Besides of that it remembers me of Laplace. Like Immanuel Kant did Pierre-Simon Laplace mentioned the word “dae-mon” and meant with that a higher mythical intelligence concerning the constructures of the Universe. Laplace’s “Nebular Hypothesis”. Originally the meaning of the word “dae-mon” in Greek is a neutral goddess, who simply represents a higher intelligence. Laplace only emphasized that any human wouldn't be capable to create such a macro structure like the cosmos or Universe.
At that time Maxwell was besides these EM phenomena also dealing with research of Thermo Dynamics. He suggested there was something that could measure the speed of molecules, based upon their absorpted warmth or heating power. This something was capable ~ “supplied labor” ~ to separate these molecules that differed in speed. This resulted in 1 room with a higher ~ the high-speed molecules ~ and another room with a lower temperature ~ the low-speed molecules. William Thomson 0r Lord Kelvin named Maxwell’s “something” for the first time “a dae-mon”, because what happened was the contrary of what the 2nd Law of Thermo Dynamics claimed. Indeed this law tells us that warmth can be transisted into labor. In a way here happened the opposite process.
When we consider our energy conform earthal understandings, then we find out that about 40 per cent is really labor. Horse Power ~ HP ~ or mechanical power, named ex-ergy. All residual energy is called “an-ergy”, what low-valued warmth represents. These specific ratios we find back in e.g. Combined Heat Power (CHP). It is almost impossible to gain more labor out of the anergy. With an added system called “Organic Ranking Cycle” ~ ORC ~ it is possible to gain about 25 per cent of dispersed labor out of the warmth. Totally the efficiency of labor will be 7 till 8 per cent higher out of energy.
This approach within the Energy Techology is analogue to the names that are given to these powers. The input energy is called “Apparent Power”, labor is called “Real Power” and the warmth is called “Reactive Power”. I consider this in relationship with the electro-magnetical phenomena. Within the Control Technology the Laplace transformations are used to deal with these components in a mathematical way, such as “real & imaginary aspects”. These 2 components can be considered as 2 vectors, which have an included angle of 90 degrees in between. Within the Mechanics and Electronics the ratio between these 2 vectors is called “effectivity” or “rate of target” symbolized by cosinus φ. Our reality with respect to the phenomenon.

As far as it concerns the transition between labor and warmth a irrational transition appears to be in a similar way at potential and kinetic energy. What makes that the transition between the 2 energies with separate kind of dimensions  to each other and back to its original ? The potential energy is represented by Ep = m.g and the kinetic energy is represented by Ek = ½ m.v2. It all looks so straightforward this transition, so logical and simple, that 1 kind of energy transists into another kind of energy, based upon the 1st Law of Thermo Dynamics regarding “The conservation of Energy”. Is this really true ? Is there some daemon here that forces this all ?

~~~ end of part 1~~~  

dinsdag 12 maart 2013

Modern religions (3)

Naturalistic Panentheism

So life not only seeks survival, but it is an increase in the intensity of its enjoyment. In short the more capable an organism is of perceiving and expressing truth – “Religious Self” – goodness – “Ethical Self” – and beauty – “Esthetical Self”, the more evolved it is when I consider the trinity according to Kierkegaard again. The desire to move forward the end of heightened experience is described by Whitehead as an adventure of ideas.

Within those ideas God is understood to be the original creature of Creativity, its primordinal non-temporal accident. “Creativity is the universal of universals characterizing ultimate matter of fact – embodiment or “human being” – and also that ultimate notion of the highest generality at the base of actuality – intelligence vs consciousness.“ God perpetually unifies the ongoing cosmic process by providing the initial aims and perceiving the final results of the concrescence of all finite creatures, including the universe itself. Our experience of moral ideas – our conscience – is the experience of the deity of the Universe. Although these moral ideas have such a high generality, it is so close to our inner Self, the ethical way differs so often very strong from each other. Where Tony Blair claims that the socio-political power of the religion is the most important issue for every country in the 21st century, then inter-religious dialogue ought to be our civilization most pressing concern.

According to Whitehead there is no civilization here on earth that can continue its adventure in rationality absent a vigorous expression of the human sense of sacredness. So religions are not the answer, it’s the respect to each expression of religion, that is inherent to its culture. That’s the mythical way of conjoining Ego and Self. To discover this Mythical way is an individual process, an individuation – Jung & Steiner – in the right way by self reflection. Afterwards it can finally lead to this collectivum as Esotery shows us; as small as grand. So focussing on the way of getting there is useless, you have to keep up the main stream like panentheism shows. That is the specific and unique way for each of us, because it is as general as it can be. It’s the wholeness of emptiness, this truth is empty because of the right synthesis of all that we are dealing with ghere on earth.

So nobody within any other culture is capable to order the other individuals how this mythical way ought to be. Each specification for expression this religious way to contribute to their higher power is as unique and as general as it is. This means that at the other hand all religions here on earth – Christianity, Islam or Buddhism and others – will claim to know walking this ultimate path to spiritual love and freedom. 

As long as we respect each other. That is the beauty of cultures, that is the beauty of religions and that may be the beauty to follow your own heart in freedom. At least if we allow the other individuals to become part of this higher collectivum, Panentheism shows us, no matter what name you give the Mythic way – Planet, the place where it happens and determines how. And it’s about the Magic in each of us – People and it now is a matter of the right Mentality that will lead to our award and success – Profit.

Modern religions (2)

Naturalistic Panentheism

The fact that so many philosophers struggle about several dimensions of duality means that the truth is beyond all this earthal wisdom. In the part of this chapter “Mental” has a complete other meaning than within the Psychiatric Cure. “Self” implies the direct interaction with “Magic”, more or less to be identified as your Arche Type on earth, “Soul” implies the “Mythical” process between Self and Ego, while Ego implies the “Mental” intelligence. This mental intelligence – the potential to actualize – includes all spectre of intelligence. Mental capability implies the consciousness that all has to collaborate, the mythical way should be aligned to the way you are bounded with your Self. Where nowadays Ego was disconnected from Self and Soul at so  many people. A religion without the bounding with the magic. While Re-Ligion essently represent the boundness of life with the Magic. Or as Whitehead says :

Religion is an ultimate craving to infuse into the insistent particularity of emotion that non-temporal generality which primarily belongs to the conceptual thought alone” and :

The 2 sides of the human organism require a reconciliation in which emotional experiences illustrate a conceptual justification and conceptual experiences find an emotional illustration.

The 2 sides relate to the role of Philosophy and its necessity for developing a close relationship with Religion, otherwise it is psychologically speaking ineffectual. When Religion does not appeal to Philopsophy, then it would sink into emotional tedium. Reconsidering Søren Kierkegaard it is clear what he meant with his “Religional Self”. The level of existentionism, where the individual has the highest level of consciousness in what his purpose is here on earth – teleological. The mythical process being perceived and conserving the boundness – Religion – with the 1 and only thruth. A belief without any condition. And from Kierkegaard we can understand Dabrowski’s “Emotion as the Motor for true individual Development” from the 2 quotes of Whitehead.

That’s what High Giftedness really means :

The talent to actualize one’s potential without denying the Source, Its Love and Goodness, expressed by pure altruistic behavings here on earth.

This boundness to the truth doesn’t need doctrines and dogmas, as we deal with here on this planet. This is the power of the Void, the Emptiness concerning interests and convictions at the level of lots of people. That’s why we  - High Gifted People – see and realize that all religions all together are never capable to bring Gaea and its inhabitants into a transcendent process, unless we reconsider Religion in broader way : “The Naturalistic Panentheism”. That human in his Universum is so much smaller than any microbe here on earth. In what way does the hubris of human make him think he can control his future on the planet ?

According to Whitehead the new view on Philosophy may attain a chief importance when religion and science fuse into 1 scheme of thoughts. Humanity’s sense of the numinous and transcendent of something beyond the material, or not quite consistent with it – is what distinguishes us from other primates. Human beings have the capability to get conscious, have the tool – the spectre of Intelligence – to do so. We are not only wise, but also the uncanny species.

Where eg Hitchens claims that cosmic inflation only suggests a dead universe, whose random and fleeting order is destined to evaporate into nothing, for a panentheist like Whitehead is the expansion of the universe the first meaning of “organism”. For him it’s about “God & Creativity” which implies that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is non-teleological and so incomplete. Whitehead’s evolutionary cosmology – besides avoiding the bifurcation of nature into organic and an-organic, attributes the experience of “ enjoyment” to all enduring forms of orders that arise amidst the cosmic process. That’s in a way what The Gaea Hypothesis tells us : “Gaea – earth – as an organic part of the organic universe, where the universe is part of God and God is all.

~~~ end of part 2  ~~~

Modern religions (1)

Naturalistic Panentheism

A famous trinity you may know are the 3 P’s, which represent “People. Planet & Profit”. In a way I thought about another similar trinity; the 3 M’s.These M’s represent “Magic”, “Mythic” and “Mental”. As I wrote, where the first word “Magic” implies 1 dimension, “Mythic” 2 dimensions and the adiectivum “Mental” 3 dimensions, corresponding with the divine spark, the process into human and the way human is dealing with it.

When I associate further on, then “Magic” has to do with the spirit, the highest Truth, 1 unit as the Void or the connection between the 2. The culture of a tribe or now our western society has demythicated almost completely life by all science. Where culture used to be the mythical way to create the right religion, that gives manifestation and expression to the Magic of all individuals within each collectivum or community. Nowadays Mythic is reified to facts and matter; the embodiment of phenomena. So the last part, the consequence of “Magic” and “Mythic” is “Mental” in a 3-dimensional way. Although I admit that this word only includes still “body” without “Soul”. Our world ihas become one without passion, acting without “heart & soul” and no more capable to make the right decisions but those that are releated to earthal interests. A way of processing the magic into daily life as a demythicated religion.

Although I write this book in a strong psychological way, maybe that’s the reason I have to refer to other aspects, when I talk about the word “mental”. It is very often assumed that – like Descartes – human is a duality : “body and mind”. Descartes was 1 of the first persons, who claimed that the mind was a non-physical substance and was to be identified it with consciousness and self-consciousness. The word “mind” is as specifically and as generally possible to be interpret. However, when I associate this to Jean Gebser’s interpretation about the 3 dimensions of “mental”, then this implies another interpretation of “mind”. Where “Mythic” implies the 2 dimensions of the human concept of “Space & Time”, is “Mind” related to 3 dimensions namely “Self, Soul and Ego”. This is in accordance with the “Roberto Assagioli’s Egg Diagram”, Assagioli is well-known as the fouder of Psycho-Synthesis. In its view of the human personality Psychosythesis also had a model to describe its disparate and multi-faceted nature.

Mental constructions are built up by these 3 dimensions within human. A kind of integral constructures by interactions between the 3 dimensions of “Self, Soul and Ego”. To be regarded by the dimensions within duality as I already described in my second book “Anthroposofic energy“ :
·           Interactionic Dualism : Mental states like desires and convictions are causally speaking bounded with physical situations.
·           Psycho-Physical Parallellism : Body and Mind do not interact and do not influence each other causally. However represented by Leibniz  as an ontologic monic that there’s only 1 fundamental substance as the source of all in the Universe.
·           Occasionalism : This is the conviction that the so-called causal connections between physical and mental relations don’t exist. The interventions are attributed to the actions of a higher power. In a earlier chapter I already wrote about “Causality vs. Synchronicity”.
·           Epiphenomenalism :  It says that mental phenomena have no potential to be a cause for physical events.
·          Emergentism : When matter is organized in a proper way mental characteristics emerge. These emerging characteristics have a independent ontological fundamental principle; the combination of autopoiesis and concrescence.

~~~ end of part 1 ~~~

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Gaea Hypothesis

Extinction of a high intelligent species

In our drive to compete God humanity has made great progress what I may call our state of Technocracy as a concept of our Democracy. Politicians who do not understand have their choices been determined upon scientists and economists, whose purposes are to prove how things work and how it could be even better – competing God. This in not only related to matter and mechanisation, it extends to life, as if the magic of life and its divine spark can be replaced by, yes what ? Gaea is known as the mythical goddess of the earth and nowadays it is a kind of religion that considers “Earth” and its habitants as 1 organ within an organic system as our cosmos represents itself within the whole.
The Gaea hypothesis, theory or principle of James Lovelock proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on earth to form a self-regulating complex system, contributes to maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. Topics of interests include how the biosphere and the evolution of life forms affect the stability of global conditional circumstances such as the climate and other environmental variables that effect the habitability on earth. When I consider this Gaea history, then we see some important aspects, first the term “Holocene epoch”. The Holocene epoch means that a great number of species were extinct by nature with more or less cosmic influences. Holocene is to be specified as we think about what human is doing now; more technocratizing the world at the cost of flora and fauna. Within some years even lots of human species and perhaps all. That’s the stage we’re in now. 

As you may know science is based upon “to ensure the unsureness or increase the grade of sureness by diminishing the unsureness.” So it’s about the process, the “how”-question.  Science is about Technocracy, where “technè” is Greek for the combination of meaning beyond “art, skills, product & competence” – a kind of syneaeresis or an intuitive simultaneously perceptively understanding of these 4 terms. Once Albert Einstein remarked : “God isn’t throwing dice”. Meaning that the cosmos as a high ordered structure could not be emerged out of chance or coincidence. The information beyond this cosmic con-structure wears its purpose – future – in it. Gaea – “Earth” – is part of this ever changing structure into new ones. Bruno Latour is 1 of the sociologist-philosophers, who elaborated this whole concept about Gaea :

By 2016, the world’s geologists will officially decide whether or not Earth has entered a new geological epoch, the Anthropogenic. From Latour’s non-modern perspective, neither “nature” nor “society” can enter this new epoch unscathed. “The theater of Modern history has been destroyed and must be re-constructed from scratch”. Gone is the passive stage, “nature,” upon which the actors, “rational animals,” have for so long waged their wars and signed their peace treaties. The Anthropos is no longer in nature, nor outside of nature. Latour heralds the coming of an entirely new kind of political animal, a novel form of political body. They are a people to come, the people of Gaea, agents of an impatient planet.”  (summary by Matthew Segall)

How is it that so many different people feel what life, earth and a living planet mean and so few people don’t really care ? Is it possible that we step over to another planet when this one is washed, polluted and exhausted ? If Planet Earth has a purpose within the Universe, then is it possible that human is allowed to destroy this one ? Is that part of this purpose or is that too simple to admit and so drop our responsibility ? The highest law of the Universe is that is recovers itself. It will re-evoke its power of self-regulation and self-morphogenesis, with or without the human race. So in a way we do have a choice, that’s our free will, simply because we are spiritual beings.  

donderdag 7 maart 2013

Action & Brain Type

Physical & Metaphysical sporting aspects

During my life as a sports trainer and coach since my 16th year, it appeared that training at the lowest level was mostly involved with the physical an physiological aspects of the apprentice or student. Of course the necessary aspects of Didactics and Pedagogy were to be integrated in the all over skills of any trainer. Being highly qualified as a sports trainer & coach the main aspect within my training programs is the psychological approach. How is that acceptable ?

Before I was introduced into the method of “Myers Briggs Type Indicator”, I had sufficient knowledge and experience of all disciplines although more fragmentatedly approached. If I regard the content of this book of mine, I thought that it might be recommendable, if it really works what I am writing. Yes I does. I did lots of research in the backgrounds of MBTI, where it came from and what other research results proved why MBTI could also be associated with Brain & Action Type. MBTI is based upon Carl Jung’s philosophy of duality within the human being. Mainly Jung relied on his principles of the energy duality of “Introversion & Extraversion”.

Normally speaking interaction and intercommunication can only be both energies, no doubt about it, while Jung was talking about energies, that can be considered in an everlasting looping, continuingly exchanging directions – intro vs. extra. Earlier I compared this process in relation with bio-chemical elements within someone’s system (no one ever proved or disproved it yet). Where introversion is related to the Oxidator within the Tabel of Chemical Substances by Mendeljev and extraversion may be related to the prominent biochemical activities of Reductants. Where this table contains 9 main groups to complete nature’s content ?

Based upon dualities of Jung’s Katherine Benziger showed the world that preferred behavings were to be appointed to highly energy concentrated brain activities, the 4 divisions of the brain. With this information other dualities were located in the brain; based upon the research of the Myers-Briggs family. With simple terms : front left implies “logical thinking”, front right implies “intuitive perception”, back left implies “sensory perception” and back right implies “social thinking”. Further on they discovered combinations of this divisions. Firstly Benziger categorized people because of 1 partial, 2-, 3- and total (4) brain types. MBTI elaborated this knowledge into 4 categorizes and called these thinking styles : “Artisan-Guardian-Rationalist-Idealist”, the so-called “4 Brain Types”.

So here we have specified the preferred brain activities, that result in certain behavings including the physical activities. Within the sporting world Bertrand Théraulaz and Ralph Hippolyte discovered the relation between each brain type and the activities, that were specifically different according to each brain type of the player. So the way of thinking was in correlation with the way of moving. They called that aspect “Action Type”. Together with my good friend Jan Huijbers – writer of the Dutch version of the book “Totaalcoachen met Action Type” (together with Peter Murphy) – I expored the game of Action Type more deeply. So now, I look in the face and eyes of sporting individuals, observe their anatomy and motor skills. I listen to the choices of words and style of sentences. Thereby I know in 2 ways their thinking style and their preferred learning style as Kolb does in his own way.

A simple story as I tell it here to you. Is it sufficient ? No, it isn’t, because MBTI can’t tell the whole story. It does not describe the communication processes like Will McWhinney does with his “The 4 World Views”. These 4 world views of Will matches about 85 % with the 4 brain types of MBTI. It also doesn’t tell much about the way the decisions are to be made, energetically speaking like the bodygraph of “Human Design”. It doesn’t tell the kind of Intelligence and the related level, such as Dabrowski’s “Emotion as the motor of one’s individual development” at e.g. High Gifted children and people. And so there exist lots of different methods to profile individuals mostly focussed on the will to predict people decisions and actions. Why should you ? I don’t. I leave it up to one’s own “Autopoiesis & Concrescence”. All that I do it facilitate my players in the team.  

Ecology & Economy

The power of changing letters

My last book had the title “From Nomad upto Monad”. By exchanging the 2 consonants the word changes of course. But in essence, does the meaning of the word change in a extreme way ? No, it does not. Phonetically the words sound almost the same. So do the words in the title of this chapter. So is it right that ecology and economy almost mean the same ?

In earlier blogs I described several aspects within the Chaos Theory, efficiency is an important word within this theory. The word “economy” has also a lot to do with the word “efficiency”. Considering complex adaptive systems as dissipative structures – energically open systems – then it is obvious that these kind of systems find their own new order from the so-called chaos. When this new order complies to higher efficiency, then the stream of matter, energy and information keeps on going that way, in those loopings of that certain part of network. In a way this new order is not predictable, because it finds out by itself : “auto-poiesis & morpho-genesis”; it’s the implicate order. Described in a biological-mechanistic way. The physical way as the opposite of the metaphysical way; “concrescence”.

The term “Ecology” – mostly related to the biological version of nature, unfortunately the term “Economy” – is strongly related to money nowadays. So the criterion for efficiency is related to money. Neglecting and ignoring all aspects that lie beyond it. The real qualia of whatever being reduced and transformed into the criterion called “money”. Efficiency is about nature, about pureness, emerging from structures, that are no longer effective anymore. What I mean is that effectiveness is synonymous to the word “functionality” – the reason to be alive and the unique essence to survive. This unique essence is based upon the combination of “Form & Function”, where Form or Constructure represents the biological part and the function in a way the psychological part in relationship with Teleology, what is linked to the process of gaining consciousness. It manifests itself as described. In case of human being I talked about the 2 integral processes; autopoiesis and concrescence, leading to transcendence.

So it seems to be right that human being has the capability to think, to create and generate, that’s pure and awesome. The real Artisan – Artist, how close are these 2 words related ? – works from other criterions than those related to money. Posing deadlines for perfecting creations can be based upon financial criterions, but that has to do with financial dependence, nothing less. Every amateur – its Amor or Love for the activity – is based upon the nature and intrinsic motivation. Where this motivation is highly congruent with someone's meaning of life. The way of gaining this purpose for life is related to the thinking style, the temperament and anatomy. That means pure Passion, the road of the heart to reach that.

And so I talk about nature, I talk about the micro-Ecology of human, surrounded by the macro-Ecology, the cosmic nature. If it seems that this relation – esoterically speaking – is so clear, why would we disturbe this balance ? If there is a balance within the whole universe, then it has to be economical as well, because nature & cosmos are self regulating – morpho-genesis – structures, that are influenced by the whole itself, not by a criterion as money, made up by man. Money is the tool to avoid frustration when having no control of your life and those of other people. The secondary product this process creates is Paranoia and-or Jealousy.

Money is used for greed,  eager for power & control , to demand the right to do with nature as man likes to. Destroying flora and fauna for own benefits, while all the money in the world can’t buy animal species, that were extincted because of man's activities during the last decennia. So what has money to do with the economical structure of our Ecology ? Is our Economy really representing our Ecology ? If you deeply understand these 2 words, then you do not have to worry about (human) sustainability anymore.

zondag 3 maart 2013

Systasis & Synaeresis (final)

The integral structure of the consciousness

In a way it is clear to experience that the divine spark – the magic of life – leads to the mythical way of dealing with the dualities of and in life. Mostly experienced as polarities because of all personal prejudgements, interests and convictions of human beings. From some points of view I talk about a divergence of the magical germ, that is convicted to walk this road trying to convergent through someone’s life back to the source; Riemann’s Zèta-function, i.e. spiraling cycles converting to the absolute asymptote of the void’s.

One of these processes is autopoiesis in a way similar to Dabrowski’s  “Positive Disintegration” of the brain issue at High Gifted and High Sensitive people, what makes their minds more capable to accept energies of other dimensions, that is necessary beneath the process of concrescence. The so-called “Body-&-Mind”-duality (Descartes) only in a way as meant with the term “synergy”.

To have more understanding why Gebser introduced “systasis & synaeresis” is to make it more clear how the process of individual transcendence proceeds. As I consider the word “mind” it should be brought into a broader perspective, because I associate it to the several kinds of intelligence within its spectre. The complete integral intelligence – intelligence as the empowerment to actualize individual potential – may induce the highest level of consciousness, experiencing the magic of life as a human being (transcending upto higher levels). That is a synergetic game of all that is representing a human being and its surroundings during life.

The mental aspects in a 3 dimensional constructures – Gebser – implies more or less the knowledge or in a more scientific way what it is and because of the 3 dimensions it means that duality can be dropped in the way thesis and anti-thesis induce a synthesis what attains both dualities in life – the 2 dimensional mythical aspect of how to deal with dualities – and become one or more congruent with his/her source, the monadic style of living, the synthesis of all dualities, “matter & energy“ included.

So during the mythical stage the 2 terms of systatis and synaeresis are really important, because your whole life is about perception and interpretation and your aim of what to do with it and what you cab do with it (teleologically speaking). The synergy within the processes of individuation and collectivum what also 1 entity at the end, 1 monad representing. The level of being an observer without being or taking part of the observed, where individuation and collectivum are 1 whole.

Remembering Jung’s 2 structure world within dualilty of consciousness and unconsciousness conjoining into 1 integral consciousness by interacting and intercommunicating – you may see it as a extension of the structure of the consciousness – while Steiner and Gebser take a starting point from 1 simple structure with several dimensions and intensities or modalities such as the more physical – autopoiesis – and the metaphystical – concrescence – dimensions, translated into the synergetic process of transcendence.

(re-sourcing : Matthew Segall

zaterdag 2 maart 2013

Systasis & Synaeresis (2)

The integral structure of the consciousness

Earlier I explained the difference of visions between Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner. Whereas Jung dealt with 2 worlds – conscious/personal and unconscious/shadow – Steiner based it upon one source with several dimensions and structures, so does Jean Gebser :

There is no so-called unconsciousness. There are only various modalities (or intensities) of consciousness; a one-dimensional magical, a two-dimensional mythical and a three-dimensional mental consciousness. And there will also be an integral four-dimensional consciousness of the whole.”

A modality is synonymous to a dimension, some kind of structure with its own specific functionality, as far as I read it in his description. In this way I read the word “synergy”. Synergy emerges when several energies cristalize, whereas they have the functionality to contribute to the continuity or survival of the organism or system. Reconsidering the term “autopoiesis”, can I mean here a network of constructures or is this too mechanical, too physio-biological ? Events of energies as cristalizations may not be considered as networks in the way the Chaos Theory does. Because there is no matter in this flow beneath energy and information.

So it is more than clear that transcendence to higher levels of your consciousness is an integral activity, activating each part within the spectre of Intelligence to gain higher levels of consciouseness and because of the activation new functionalities exply, unfold implicated orders (Bohm). Otherwise it is another expression for the human unique talent out of its potential. Perhaps integration isn’t even a sufficiently powerful word; maybe induction is. I even may neglect them both and focus on the term “transcending” to a higher level of consciousness.

So gathering the knowledge of systasis, synaeresis and synergy, I conclude that esoterically speaking, synergy emerges at each level, in a microscopic and in a macroscopic world. Even free of precondions when we regard the energetic dimensions. This possibilitity exists also – according to me – within the spectre of intelligence. This implies that the result or product of synergetic activities are new orders, more simplex and less complex, more translucent and less troubled views. Transcendence as a process or unique activities by the skills of actualization – synergy – emerging out of potential, embedded in the whole Spectre of Intelligence with the final result of the most simplex structure of consciousness.

So Gebser says :

“Synaeresis fulfills the a-perspectival integrative perception of systasis and system and is a precondition for diaphany, which is able to be realized when, in addition tot systasis and system – the symbol with its mythical effectivity – and magic symbiosis are included, that is to say, present.”

Note : “Integral & Individual” = integredividual (moì) or integrative

Varely and Whitehead display a clear understanding of the need for a synaeretic mode of perception that breaks free of spatial categories and systematization endemic to the mental structure. The related processes or constructurization of autopoiesis and concrescence bring together each of the new structures or orders of consciousness.

~~~ end of part 2 ~~~

Systasis & Synaeresis (1)

The integral structure of the consciousness

By trying to exemplify the transparency and wholeness – typifying the integral structure of consciousness – Jean Gebser introduces 2 terms : “systasis”, meaning “the conjoining or fitting together of parts into integrality” and “synaeresis” – “the conjoining or fitting together of 2 seperate perceptions within the same unity”. This and more you may read in my newest book.

The wholeness is the integral level of your consciousness, where e.g. kind of perception bring the higher, integral interpretation. That’s the world of “All-and-Nothing”, according to Dabrowski level #5, according to Spiral Dynamics’ level of “Coral Red”, corresponding with #9, which represents the wholesness of the process of Healing – Gurdjeff´s & Ouspensky’s enneagram. It’s therefor impossible contemplating these 2 words separately.

Viewing an organism as a special kind of system that excludes no subjectivity and thereby no emotions. Systasis grants the parts of a system a transparency, allowing the organism to be understood as a subject perpetually becoming whole. This is – according to Jean Gebser – a remarkable difference with the definition of a system in a generally speaking. The system that represents “The Individual and introspective Autopoiesis transcending into or together with the Collectivum and extraspective Concrescence” is the integral and a integrative conjunction.

This what systatis means to me in a broader way. When I compare systasis with autopoiesis, then it looks – by the word ”part” – that systasis is more objective, a more composing process by parts from outside into the borders of e new, integral system, while autopoiesis is working from inside out based upon self-(auto-)reproduction from a view of networking, whereas autopoiesis looks more organic, more subjective and so even more emotionally driven. So that’s why I like to say it is composing 2 different “systems” which transcendent to a higher integral level of consciousness.

How do I integrate the word “synaeresis” in this description ? Basically the meaning of the word is simply : “perceiving in a new way after 2 seperately being perceived objects/subjects/parts have conjoined (systasis)”. Phonetically let’s take the example of the letters “p” and the ”h”, pronounced as “pi” and “aadg” after conjoining them into –ph-, “phi” is heard. Instantly I can not find out if this phenomenon – “synaeresis“ – is appointed to 1 dimension of perception, in this example “the audibility”.

Is this a kind of prove that human is unable to define a phenomenon by 1, 2 or perhaps a combination of 3 dimensions of perception tools ? Is this where lays the power of intuition within : touch – matter” / “smell/taste – molecule/ion” / “hear – vibrating molecules” – “see – frequency” / “intuition – resonance” ? Is intuition or sympathy – Henri Bergson – a kind of tool or to be  developed skill that may help human himself – “individuation” – to perceive and interpret other human beings and their surroudings – “collectivum” – in a more proper way; free of disturbance and noise so more pure as an energetic entity ? Does this also imply that the learning process for human – getting conscious – is an ultimate way by using all perception tools during the 4 phases of learning, simply translated into ”learning-by-doing & (self-) reflection”, so by experiencing phenomena as a whole ?

~~~ end of part 1 ~~~