dinsdag 12 maart 2013

Modern religions (2)

Naturalistic Panentheism

The fact that so many philosophers struggle about several dimensions of duality means that the truth is beyond all this earthal wisdom. In the part of this chapter “Mental” has a complete other meaning than within the Psychiatric Cure. “Self” implies the direct interaction with “Magic”, more or less to be identified as your Arche Type on earth, “Soul” implies the “Mythical” process between Self and Ego, while Ego implies the “Mental” intelligence. This mental intelligence – the potential to actualize – includes all spectre of intelligence. Mental capability implies the consciousness that all has to collaborate, the mythical way should be aligned to the way you are bounded with your Self. Where nowadays Ego was disconnected from Self and Soul at so  many people. A religion without the bounding with the magic. While Re-Ligion essently represent the boundness of life with the Magic. Or as Whitehead says :

Religion is an ultimate craving to infuse into the insistent particularity of emotion that non-temporal generality which primarily belongs to the conceptual thought alone” and :

The 2 sides of the human organism require a reconciliation in which emotional experiences illustrate a conceptual justification and conceptual experiences find an emotional illustration.

The 2 sides relate to the role of Philosophy and its necessity for developing a close relationship with Religion, otherwise it is psychologically speaking ineffectual. When Religion does not appeal to Philopsophy, then it would sink into emotional tedium. Reconsidering Søren Kierkegaard it is clear what he meant with his “Religional Self”. The level of existentionism, where the individual has the highest level of consciousness in what his purpose is here on earth – teleological. The mythical process being perceived and conserving the boundness – Religion – with the 1 and only thruth. A belief without any condition. And from Kierkegaard we can understand Dabrowski’s “Emotion as the Motor for true individual Development” from the 2 quotes of Whitehead.

That’s what High Giftedness really means :

The talent to actualize one’s potential without denying the Source, Its Love and Goodness, expressed by pure altruistic behavings here on earth.

This boundness to the truth doesn’t need doctrines and dogmas, as we deal with here on this planet. This is the power of the Void, the Emptiness concerning interests and convictions at the level of lots of people. That’s why we  - High Gifted People – see and realize that all religions all together are never capable to bring Gaea and its inhabitants into a transcendent process, unless we reconsider Religion in broader way : “The Naturalistic Panentheism”. That human in his Universum is so much smaller than any microbe here on earth. In what way does the hubris of human make him think he can control his future on the planet ?

According to Whitehead the new view on Philosophy may attain a chief importance when religion and science fuse into 1 scheme of thoughts. Humanity’s sense of the numinous and transcendent of something beyond the material, or not quite consistent with it – is what distinguishes us from other primates. Human beings have the capability to get conscious, have the tool – the spectre of Intelligence – to do so. We are not only wise, but also the uncanny species.

Where eg Hitchens claims that cosmic inflation only suggests a dead universe, whose random and fleeting order is destined to evaporate into nothing, for a panentheist like Whitehead is the expansion of the universe the first meaning of “organism”. For him it’s about “God & Creativity” which implies that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is non-teleological and so incomplete. Whitehead’s evolutionary cosmology – besides avoiding the bifurcation of nature into organic and an-organic, attributes the experience of “ enjoyment” to all enduring forms of orders that arise amidst the cosmic process. That’s in a way what The Gaea Hypothesis tells us : “Gaea – earth – as an organic part of the organic universe, where the universe is part of God and God is all.

~~~ end of part 2  ~~~

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