The integral structure of the consciousness
~~~ end of part 1 ~~~
By trying to exemplify the transparency and
wholeness – typifying the integral structure of consciousness – Jean Gebser
introduces 2 terms : “systasis”,
meaning “the conjoining or fitting together
of parts into integrality” and “synaeresis”
– “the conjoining or fitting together of
2 seperate perceptions within the same unity”. This and more you may read in my newest book.
The wholeness is the integral level of your
consciousness, where e.g. kind of perception bring the higher, integral interpretation.
That’s the world of “All-and-Nothing”, according to Dabrowski level #5, according to Spiral Dynamics’ level of “Coral Red”, corresponding with #9, which
represents the wholesness of the process of Healing – Gurdjeff´s &
Ouspensky’s enneagram. It’s therefor impossible contemplating these 2 words separately.
Viewing an organism as a special kind of system
that excludes no subjectivity and thereby no emotions. Systasis grants the
parts of a system a transparency, allowing the organism to be understood as a
subject perpetually becoming whole. This is – according to Jean Gebser – a
remarkable difference with the definition of a system in a generally speaking. The
system that represents “The Individual
and introspective Autopoiesis transcending into or together with the Collectivum
and extraspective Concrescence” is the integral and a integrative conjunction.
This what systatis means to me in a broader way. When
I compare systasis with autopoiesis, then it looks – by the word ”part” – that systasis is more objective,
a more composing process by parts from outside into the borders of e new, integral
system, while autopoiesis is working from inside out based upon self-(auto-)reproduction
from a view of networking, whereas autopoiesis looks more organic, more
subjective and so even more emotionally driven. So that’s why I like to say it
is composing 2 different “systems” which transcendent to a higher integral
level of consciousness.
How do I integrate the word “synaeresis” in this description ? Basically the meaning of the word
is simply : “perceiving in a new way
after 2 seperately being perceived objects/subjects/parts have conjoined
(systasis)”. Phonetically let’s take the example of the letters “p” and the ”h”, pronounced as “pi”
and “aadg” after conjoining them into
–ph-, “phi” is heard. Instantly I can
not find out if this phenomenon – “synaeresis“
– is appointed to 1 dimension of perception, in this example “the audibility”.
Is this a kind of prove that human is unable to
define a phenomenon by 1, 2 or perhaps a combination of 3 dimensions of
perception tools ? Is this where lays the power of intuition within : “touch – matter” /
“smell/taste – molecule/ion” / “hear – vibrating molecules” – “see – frequency”
/ “intuition – resonance” ? Is intuition or sympathy – Henri Bergson – a
kind of tool or to be developed skill that
may help human himself – “individuation”
– to perceive and interpret other human beings and their surroudings – “collectivum” – in a more proper way; free
of disturbance and noise so more pure as an energetic entity ? Does this also
imply that the learning process for human – getting conscious – is an ultimate
way by using all perception tools during the 4 phases of learning, simply
translated into ”learning-by-doing & (self-)
reflection”, so by experiencing phenomena as a whole ?
~~~ end of part 1 ~~~
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