zondag 3 maart 2013

Systasis & Synaeresis (final)

The integral structure of the consciousness

In a way it is clear to experience that the divine spark – the magic of life – leads to the mythical way of dealing with the dualities of and in life. Mostly experienced as polarities because of all personal prejudgements, interests and convictions of human beings. From some points of view I talk about a divergence of the magical germ, that is convicted to walk this road trying to convergent through someone’s life back to the source; Riemann’s Zèta-function, i.e. spiraling cycles converting to the absolute asymptote of the void’s.

One of these processes is autopoiesis in a way similar to Dabrowski’s  “Positive Disintegration” of the brain issue at High Gifted and High Sensitive people, what makes their minds more capable to accept energies of other dimensions, that is necessary beneath the process of concrescence. The so-called “Body-&-Mind”-duality (Descartes) only in a way as meant with the term “synergy”.

To have more understanding why Gebser introduced “systasis & synaeresis” is to make it more clear how the process of individual transcendence proceeds. As I consider the word “mind” it should be brought into a broader perspective, because I associate it to the several kinds of intelligence within its spectre. The complete integral intelligence – intelligence as the empowerment to actualize individual potential – may induce the highest level of consciousness, experiencing the magic of life as a human being (transcending upto higher levels). That is a synergetic game of all that is representing a human being and its surroundings during life.

The mental aspects in a 3 dimensional constructures – Gebser – implies more or less the knowledge or in a more scientific way what it is and because of the 3 dimensions it means that duality can be dropped in the way thesis and anti-thesis induce a synthesis what attains both dualities in life – the 2 dimensional mythical aspect of how to deal with dualities – and become one or more congruent with his/her source, the monadic style of living, the synthesis of all dualities, “matter & energy“ included.

So during the mythical stage the 2 terms of systatis and synaeresis are really important, because your whole life is about perception and interpretation and your aim of what to do with it and what you cab do with it (teleologically speaking). The synergy within the processes of individuation and collectivum what also 1 entity at the end, 1 monad representing. The level of being an observer without being or taking part of the observed, where individuation and collectivum are 1 whole.

Remembering Jung’s 2 structure world within dualilty of consciousness and unconsciousness conjoining into 1 integral consciousness by interacting and intercommunicating – you may see it as a extension of the structure of the consciousness – while Steiner and Gebser take a starting point from 1 simple structure with several dimensions and intensities or modalities such as the more physical – autopoiesis – and the metaphystical – concrescence – dimensions, translated into the synergetic process of transcendence.

(re-sourcing : Matthew Segall

3 opmerkingen:

  1. synchonically this fits with next article on my timeline: http://www.integralworld.net/powers8.html

    is "CONSCIOUSNESS SINGULARITY" a label from the similar tree as this article by Bastiani??

    (to whom to vibrate S'words?)

  2. what is a time line ?

    it is not just _ and | as space and time ..

    while & and / as weus (cul-ture) and a gere (hara) come to that .. collectively and individually spoken ..

    we might say it is 4 & 4 & 4 & 4 & ... etc.
    sampled as a field ..
    with both electric and magnetic bypasses ..

  3. we often are "enlanguaged" in serious tall'kings according dogmatics .. (u name them urself)

    here an example how we could pivot:

    ol': "the highest level of consciousness"

    noo: "the deeper focus on consciousness by gere"

    here the gere is as the childs tool for getting down by weight on a glitch ..

    to the glitcher the offer in elan vital sphere here is made to glitch back even more smooth than getting down

    that is what "phithale" is about, say mentality
