maandag 18 februari 2013

Carl Jung & Rudolf Steiner (2)

Individuation & Integration

The confrontation with the unconsciousness that lead Jung to write ”The Red Book” which brought him into solitude. He knew there was no way to justify the gnosis imparted to him and he was compelled nonetheless to communicate its symbolic meanings of others. Individuation though individual is never simply an inner process, but is bound up with the transformation of other people of the world itself : “…… the spirits of the depths in me at the same time the ruler of the depths of world affairs (World War 1).

The evolution of consciousness is based upon the phenomenological observation that clearly discernable worlds stand out whose development or unfolding took place in mutations of consciousness.

According to Gebser. These world structures (classified into archaic, magic, mythic and mental).
As I wrote earlier before that observation or perception is to be divided into several dimensions of energy :

“What lays beyond extrapolating senses from tactile (mass) – taste (molecule/ion) – hear vibrating molecule) – see (frequency) and intuition (resonance) ?”

Remembering Jung’s ESP project (Extra Sensory Perception) and before that he became in a waking vision a first hint (1913) for the start of World War I, 1 year later. This brought him in great fear and  made him think he was on the way of “doing a schizophrenia”. Schizophrenia can be considered as 2 World Views; “each acting in solitude and refusing to interact or integrate with each other”. Later on he admitted to himself that his dreams and visions came to him from the subsoil of the collective unconsciousness. It was researcher Lousia Rhine who proposed the theory that ESP starts in the unconsciousness, a storehouse of memories, hopes and fears. Later on Jung developed upon this ESP his “Synchronicity” – an a-causal principle.

The Red Book” Jung artfully exemplifies for collective view the imaginal process of soul-making that can remind the autonomous, perspectival ego of its origin in a shared substratum of myth and magic. Jung’s practice of active imagination can aid the transformation out of mental-rational consciousness, giving rise to the conditions, necessary for a second birth. The current shortcoming is certainly not its verification of a  psychic totally deeper than egoic consciousness – the Unitary and Sensory World Views with their analytical processes (Will McWhinney). Modern psychology has turned  the soul into a scientific object. For Gebser the illuminative potential – entelecheia  of pure consciousness is definitely not restricted to spatialization and temporalization. “But trapped in the three-dimensionality of the mental-rational structure.”  

Jung and Gebser each recognized the direness of our situation : Wakeful egoic consciousness must come to terms with the deeper, undivided temporal polarity constituting its psychic totality or integrality. This totallity I call this “the Spectre of Intelligence” (book "From Nomad upto Monad")

~~~ end of part 2 ~~~

(re-sourcing : Matthew Segall

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