Being born as a one-egged twin several years ago. The
24th of October means I am a Scorpio, being sensitive. Although we are twins,
my twin brother was born 1 hour earlier than me. What does this last remark
have to do in our difference of style and behavings although we’re
one-egged twins ? This hour between our births makes that he has the ascendent
Scorpio – "fair judging" – and I have the ascendent Saggitarius – "pointing out". That for a start-up about me.
The male human is synonymous for power and straight logic,
The female human represents love, intuition and harmony. My name is Wil’fred
meaning “Willing for Peace” (German) and his name is AndrĂ©, meaning “Male”
(Greek). Did our parents decide to give the names to us, freely and
disrespecting who was first to be born ? Wouldn’t it be strange that the first
born baby was the most strong and powerful one – nature – and couldn’t he help
being named AndrĂ© ? What if I was been born a girl; wouldn’t it be far more
appropriate ? (regardless my name) Another fact was that a photo at the
dentist – I was 12 years old – showed us both that we had mirrored teeth. At
the age of 9 years I was confronted with my first deep altruism-experience; a
strong feeling of empathy, sympathy in the role of a Martyr, visiting a ship of
the Red Cross – “Henri Dunant”. It meant the start of my
passionate interest in people and their behavings. Especially I love Intelligence & Consciousness.
My nature of learning is strongly based upon learning
by doing, at least in my younger years. Because of my attitude – a real
visionary thinker – I was busy with 2 questions during my theoretical and
practical learning : “Why is this happening in this way and what is the
meaning beyond it ?” This is the underlying – for me – prominent
thinking style as a visionary thinker : “Intuitive and dreamy idealizing”.
In terms of MBTI this includes the combination of NT and NF. As a
very quiet easy going young boy, who allowed almost everything to overcome even
fights without really fighting back, I may be called introvert and
open/sensitive to the world as well. These 2 aspects adding to NT and NF bring
me up as an Architect and Healer, being my 2 preferent temperaments. Within the
enneagram it implies that I am mainly a Perfectionist (1), a Monitor (5) and a Giver
During my high school I was educated in 6 languages
including Latin and Greek, and several other faculties as Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry and Biology. Later on I felt that the way perceiving the world was
the way of perceiving and interpreting phenomena, I more pointed out
to the underlying principles, spheres and tendencies and neglecting more and more all involved
details, because details were subjective and brought limitations the the phenomenon. Later on I studied everything about energy, from biological to energy
generating aspects (human body & systems) to Quantum Mechanics and the
Chaos Theory. I spent in the library of KEMA Arnhem for many weeks, reading encyclopaedias
and dictionaries concerning the "why" and "what" questions of electro-energetic and other topics.
Regarding my energetic body graph it appeared I
was a Reflector. Energetically an individual without preferent and manifesting
chakra’s. Being a Reflector means reflecting energies of others back to themselves
and radiating almost nothing from myself. The description of a Reflector –
Human Design – was the same of MBTI; a high qualitative thinker. Using words of the Chinese book "I Ching" to which Human Design is related, "a cauldron of wisdom & knowledge". The nick name of a Reflector is a Lunatic : "An individual who lives on the rythm of the moon". Remembering
all my reflective games in my youthful years such as ball games, mirror
writing, left and right and also double handed sporting like tennis. Very often looking around corners by using windows
and shadows caused by light. Although I was tested for
High Intelligence (IQ > 150) in the 90-ties. I felt I used another kind of intelligence,
namely the intuitive one. Of course it didn’t exist, but all I researched and
found out what wasn’t available as description or word, I invented them myself,
because I felt what it meant and I knew why this action was right.
Finally I discovered the last part of cosmic
profiling and intelligence, The Tzol’kin and Dreamspell of the Maya’s.
Regarding my profile it appeared I was a Blue Storm – Kin #99 and Tone (Moon)
#8. This Dreamspell showed me also my Guide, being Intuition, although I already knew for years.
As a Blue Storm I try to shake and wake up people to reconsider their lives, behavings
and interests. My drive is aiming the highest Integrity within organizations and society. I nowadays feel strongly like Erasmus
#2 as we look at a analytical world existing of facts, control & power.
Reading as much as possible about e.g. Will McWhinney
I recognized I was as much a Mythic as he was. In the most practical ways as I
can, functionally thinking the way Leonardo – my second name – Da Vinci could.
Simply because I have been working at almost all levels within lots of
disciplines. Finally now I do social research and theoretical research as well,
concerning many most prominent psychologists and philosophers and associate all
together in a complete holistic way. Writing my own books about Innovation and cosmic items such as Time, human phenomena as Schizophrenia and Autism. Showing we're all fractal, unique and coming from One Source. We should behave
like that and respect all human and nature : "Heal the world", like a real monad without earthal interests, pre-judgements and convictions.
An INTP (Architect) or an
INFP (Healer), as being High Gifted and High Sensitive, the Reflector or a Mythic, they all represent 1
till 2 per cent each of the whole. I was amazed since I discovered I was a
combination of all these representing major minorities. My approach to
everybody is the esoteric and cosmic way, holistic, pure and full of respect. So that’s me. Who are you ?
i C this lone popping up
Aquarius 23-24/10 Torsende Maagd
this spells u are as a bearing virgin baring the Child in Time (deep purple)
yr b'rother is yr controversional carrier .. wat'ching the tower and misleading all enemies holding the fire from Luciphera
be the eye within this storm , a whirlwind / pool
Tone # 8 represents the Galactic Tone turning it into the Blue Galactic Storm - Seal # 19.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMaybe 19 is a zeropoint where 1 starts all over again usingeal 20 a -sun-s a hub ..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOr leapdaya ?
Is this the eye within the storm that some archetypes hardly to schedule are capable to stand?
Is it Gandalf typo?