zaterdag 2 februari 2013

High Giftedness (2)

Schizophrenical or autistic behavings

As you may have read my books and blogs about High Giftedness and Autism I describe this situation from these points of views. More and this in my latest books or a new one.

I’m ’High Gifted and very Sensitive” was a remark of the person in a dialogue with a Psychiatrist, who met each other for 10 minutes at that moment. “Okay, so you have a high IQ and you’re absolutely an Autist”, this was his immediate reply. Based upon these empty or pattern/standard remarks it implied that more investigations within this company were necessary regarding their knowledge, competences and skills concerning diagnoses to – for them – weird people. After several weeks “I” noticed that there were no Psychologists or Psychiatrists who had a serious level of acknowledge about High Giftedness. Where do they go wrong and come to make the wrong diagnoses ?

If you want to understand High Giftedness, you have to deal for instance with Jung in a complete other way. Add Bergson to him, Kierkegaard and Dabrowski as well. David Bohm’s “The Implicate Order” is also a beautyfull suggestion. You have to be aware of all knowledge that is stronglye empirical and intuitive. To the Psychologist : “Listen or more right; FEEL what this client of yours is really telling you, remembering what Carl Rogers told about it.” Why don’t the psychiatrists of a Dutch huge Cure & Care organization understand this kind of people ? Simply, they diagnose with their head, the clinical or cognitive way. It’s all written in the great Bible of them named “DSM IV” (or V right now). They use their empathy in a cognitive way. Right empathy is about energy. They understand that people and often little children are deeply unhappy and often disappointed. What they do not understand is that most of the times this High Giftedness is linked to a higher or the highest state or Idealism. And what is the synonym for the word Idealism ? That’s the word Altruism - Dabrowski's level # 5. Why are the children so unhappy, why are they often depressed ? Regarding that there’s a great difference within the Spectre of Depressions (based upon their resources).

All has to do with the world around them. The society expects of everyone to do a basic education, an education to earn your own money when grown up. There’s the first dilemma: “being an altruistic and idealistic individual, I do not need a job to ideal the world, 1 (extreme) step further, I do not want to earn money because of pain of others. So why do I have to be educated what lays far beneath my intellectual level and it does not apply my feelings and thoughts of Idealism ?” Why doesn’t the world understand such a simple thing as Idealism anymore ? All these misunderstandings lead to disappointments and finally into deep depressions, regarding children of less than (e.g.) 12 years old. Children who have a High Giftedness being so high self-conscious or intelligent (read from my point of view) “oversee" the whole Spectre of Intelligence which is based upon this high self-consciousness.

How does the world react ? Completely wrong. In the current world there is no space for Idealist anymore. The world is one of Sensory – “Data & Facts” and Unitary – “Rules & Control”. Together they play the Analytical Game (read “The 4 World Views” of Socio-humanist and Mythic Will McWhinney). Idealists do not fit in that world, they are vague, dreamy, intuitive and mythical. This other side of the world needs to be denied. Individuals like that cannot make money, are negative to the society. The way of respect and sympathy does not count in a world of the Analytical Games that is being played worldwidely nowadays. So when they have problems with this kind of society, that’s upon to themselves. “If they need help, we’ve got the pharmaceutics. This negative aspect of pills brings us money, that applies to our Worldview, great ! We do not want to spend real time and engagement to this kind of people, because Time is Money to us.”

Reading this I conclude that the “Society of Now” has very strong autistic features within their behavings. How is it possible that this world can make the right diagnoses ? When an autistic oriented world makes a diagnosis of a High Gifted child as I have described above, what would be the outcome but : ”The child is schizophrenic” because this child (or adult) uses the idealistic worldview and refuses as far as possible to apply the real hard world of today ? If not willing to play the game of Rules, Control and Money, having no interest in life but helping to heal the world in a human way, live one's own life in that way, then you are schizophrenic and inflexible ? What are deeply unhappy children and adults driven to, when they have to deny and are expected to continue denying their purpose of life ? (teleologically speaking) 

What are the right meanings of the words “Autism & Schizophrenia” What values lay beyond them ? What is wrong with the education of applying right “Psychology” ? Where is or what happened to the Esoteric Psychology’s experience, the Intelligence of the Universe ? 

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Highest Existentialism or Consciousness has all to do with taking own responsibility regarding your help to other people. The way of realizing is as unique as the individual him/herself. So the way is not important and being accountable for this to others is out of any question (the an-archistic principle at highest levels).

  2. In my opinion the term Sagacity is active here ..

    Intuition gifts aroused my radar this day why the pope really abdicated his seat ..

    This is noted on the controversional kweaking blogspot .. at Vulture Bird as Power Animal

    "In foresight, discernment, or keen perception; ability to make good judgments"

    Maybe this is high priestess character guiding judges into a noo world?

    Who to consult?

    Anyone here??

  3. Thoughts of Carl Jung (1913) before WW I : "Jung received his first hint in a wakening vision of "a terrible flood that covered all of Europe with "yellow waves, swimming rubble and the death of countless thousands."

    The visions troubled Jung into 1914, producing a great inner uncertainly. He began to fear he was on the way to " doing a schizophrenia" ......

    (from his "The Red Book")
