The word “Holon” was invented
by Arthur Koestler and has a philosophical context. Meaning being a whole and a
part simultaneously. It remains the unanswered question what the human being
really is. Is the human being a body with the spiritual warmth, that can show
potential and actualization of it to other humans like love and affection;
regarding Maxwell’s daemon ? Or can it be considered a machine with some kind
of mind, soul or ghost inside? In what sphere did Koestler write “The Ghost in the Machine“ ? This and
more in my newest to be written book.
What is the relationship between the holon and a monad and is the relationship
to be found in the words “Collectivum
& Individuation” ? (Jung & Steiner) What does Ken Wilber say about
it concerning his “Theory of Everything” implying that it requires an integral
way of looking at it ? Is Bergson’s “Open
& Closed Morality” based upon a principle of the internal struggle
between the duals “Collectivum” –
holon and the “Individual” – monad ?
Koestler made 2 observations; first, that complex systems merge faster
from simplex systems in the presence of a stable intermediate or catalyser. Second,
in case of a stable intermediate there merges a hierarchy within in vivo
organisms and social organizations as well. Absolutely speaking wholes and
parts do not exist free and-or independent of each other. Thus a holon is the hybrid
nature of sub-wholes and parts within in vivo systems. Think for example about the
organs in your physio-biological body. They contain some autonomy as an
individual organ and participate of the whole (body). So holons are simultaneously
supra-ordinately self-contained in relation to their sub-ordinate parts.
The holon is a system or phenomenon like human beings what is an
evolving self-organizing dissipative structure. To understand this better we
can regard Pascal’s triangle structure and think about the subject
fractalization. There is to be created a balance between the duals “Collectivum & Individual”, a balance between
“Chaos & Order”. As I wrote in my
blog about “Autopoiesis” this is a
typical example of Complex Adaptive Systems – CAS – with an open energy
(dissipative) system and free connecting possibilities to its surroundings. Out
of these free connections that become preferred self-actualizing loopings a new
stable structure emerges. It’s like Gilles Deleuze described with has sub- and
supra-saturation within fluid liquids, that create crystals or substances in a
chemical way of speaking.
What is a monad in this perspective ? Regarding a monad in a spiritual-philosophical
way a monad has autonomy, is independent, has no convictions and interests. So
the chance to be influenced by its surroundings is nihil, zero. For Koestler
the monad is the “heart” of the
holon. So the individual holon possesses a dominant monad, you can say there’s
authenticity, congruence between monad and holon, phenomenonally speaking. You
can consider it as Wilber’s “I”. Authenticity – here – means that monad – “I” and
the substance “It” are congruent. A
social holon has no dominant monad does not possess a dominant monad, it only
possesses a definable “We”, where “their
surroundings can be considered the "Ïts”
of Ken Wilber. This holon acts like a collectivum where the individual holon
acts like an agency.
Referring to Will McWhinney’s description about these 2 terms, where he
calls the collectivum a “Community”. Think
about a flock of geese or a school of fishes. Here we speak about “Synergy”. Synergy
is not to be made, synergy emerges from so-called chaos situations such as
danger to become a victim of a predator looking at these geese or fishes. Even
at great resignations within organizations during the financial crisis. Is
human being really different and capable to expel and overcome the duality
between Individuation (monad) and Collectivum (holon) ?
The musician Sting - The Police - was an avid reader of Koestler. Sting named The Police's final studio album "Synchronicity" - 1983 - (Carl Jung) as a reference to "The Roots of Coincidence"of Koestler's. Earlier The Police named their recorded album (1981) "Ghost in the Machine" after this concept.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThink about the songs :
"Spirits in a material world"
"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic"
"Invisible sun"
"Every Breath You Take"
I first remember "the bed is too big without U"
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI doubted at a certain interval ..
Whether U meant the other gender that sparkes my genes .. in fluid materializations ..
Then when the other one was not there (or routinesk faded)
Anoother one popped up which arricukated the u turn ..
Or better a bigger U turn than ever imagined as possible to bend ..
Roxanne .. U'ld better turn out the RED light ..
Brought .. Angie .. eh .. no .. Ruby Tuesday .. rolling stoned ..
Melodious Melanie playing the Guitar Lady ..
In me? Me~us??
Pascals triangle is a perfect dance between 3 collectivum layers and 9 individium ones .. once too ..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSee this fusing exercise ..
Take mayan tones 13 12 11 as ABC and 1to9 as them singulars ..
See kweak 1 in the natural & cosmic structures ..
Nice balanced channels ..
See kweak 2
Equivalent as kweak 1 or pretty different and elegant too
See kweak 3
* * *
* * *
* * *
Having a coherent combination ontological ordered ..
Those 27 daya combine individual ordering in 1
Collective ordering in 2
Free but coherent ordering in 3
Alle fusing in 28 as 0 - zero ..
Zero as the anchoring axis for them 7 wheels in the Temple , the bodymind ..
Thanks to Sting , Arthur, Stones and Beatlectures ..
To the audience dancing them nights away ..
Every artist fades in his act .. her heir ..
1983 was also the year Club Schier gathered on the drifting Island above the netherlands ..
We may now say that this was implulsed by a weird conversation Eckart weaved in his intimate network as a wizards tool ..
2 of those conversations were guided by the schöpfung of Haydn in 7 days .. a shaking transfer from heaven according regular speak.
In noo vibrations we use other domains to talk our walk ..
The blogger here might be in circumstances that serendipitious fill his new fields of guiding structures , multiplexity in fact to reduce complexity which is a teevee folk leisure on staying in ol' comfort zones.
Maybe Eckart died at march 21 to take on his planetary mission as a skywalker .. anyway he refused to partake in the ol' political arena guided by fed up journalists .. hanging on the dogmas ..