vrijdag 25 januari 2013


Innovation or Emergence

How are we capable regarding innovation in a proper way ? What really is innovation ? This praefix “in” deals with the introspective aspect of the basic term “novum - ovum (egg)”. Perhaps very close to “novem  9", number of wholeness, like a circle or O. This blog is to be added to my books.

As a starting point you may describe this as follows. Emptiness, void or zero as a number, a wholeness of "no-thing" as an autonomous unity. Put the 3-vision “receptive-attractive-radiative” on it. As we consider human beings, then these aspects are linked to everyone’s unicity. They together form a 3 union, which is responsible for and "shows us the unique manifestation(pleonasm) of mankind. Energies that enter – inspiration  which go into synergy or aspiration up to other dimensions of energies, from which new creations emerge. At certain pressure from outside, of course introspective considering this entity. That’s what emergence implies, unexpected creations, perhaps with an innovative character, perhaps a serendipity like Fleming's penicillin.

Creations as a new order emerged from a for human certain chaos, although it is implied in this order, this implicated order according to David Bohm. From a synthesis of several dimensions of energy, which transits to as mentioned emergence. This is the non-linear, the irrational or metaphysical world. The point of view from David Bohm’s Implicated Order as a new  for human – recognizable established order. By the expiration – taking distance from your creation – there raises the possibility after expiring, for further developing, realizing and blooming of the enfolded germ, only if nurtured in the right way. Remind to that then the mind of mine can respire, gets emptied, goes into the state of emptiness or Zero, during this stage of respiration awaiting for new inspiration or inspiring energy. It’s exactly what our breathing also what our heart is all about, 4 phases or stages, 4 actions, 4 seasons. The way I Ching tells us.

Where we can consider numerically :

1. spring     2. summer         change them into         1. spring     3. autumn 
4. winter    3. autumn                                          4. winter     2. summer

as the wings of a wand or butterfly, or even the moebius ring or the lemniscate of infinity. In congruence of our heart as a circulation pump. Where the change from summer  integration (positive growth)  transpires into disintegration (negative growth) as an articulatio or point of pivotation, reconsider Deleuze's meaning of the word "PLI". Compare the transpiration between winter and spring in the opposite way of summer and autumn (review "Maxwell's daemon" about transitions of energies).

Innovation indicates functionality – or differently speaking – a new functionality or an addition to an existing one. Functionality is synonymous to value of an entity considering its surroundings or situation;  the right to survive there. Emergence is a term from the Chaos Theory. This – a new creation or order – emerges from a as so called chaos, influenced by pressure of any kind of dimension from outside. So is the word “Attractive” or “Attractor” within Chaos Theory. If you’re open-minded, receptive, you radiate your energy in your own unique way. If attractive to other energies, you may receive them. So that implies that everyone will get energy that fits best. So everyone creates in his or her own way, out of unique compositions up to unique creations. Those who have the real creative minds, will be capable to make the most complex creations like lots of Artists like painters or poets can. Including higher dimensions of energy as an exclusivity and eccentricity.

Innovation is specific, is an emergence, emerging and is scarce as talent at humans. It is very striking within the society that innovations are often related to success, the success of money and revenues. What if innovation implies savings ? Savings, which have their right of existence by daring to apply social innovation ? In that case money is a secondary Key Performance Indicator – KPI - instead of a primary. The only organization, who work with money being the primary Key Performance Indicator is the banking. 

That’s why so many companies don’t survive this crisis. They “die” because of lack of the right innovators (~1 % of all) or intelligence (Darwin, part 2), the (often expelled) creative artists or mythics within their teams. Those who were not to be believed with their lunatic ideas about social innovation, blocked by the eager for money in so many board rooms. What is your mindset for now ?

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